Last week, fellow Transfer Admissions Coordinator, Tom
Tascone and I were able to spend 3 days in Fort Lauderdale, Florida attending
the AACRAO (American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions
Officers) Technology and Transfer Conference. This conference was an
opportunity to collaborate with other college professionals from across the
country about new programs and initiatives implemented on their campuses. As a
relatively new Transfer Coordinator with UNCW, having the opportunity to
network with over 450 attendees gave me insight of how to grow professionally
as well as continuously improve the transfer student’s experience from application
to graduation.

There is something to be said for the ability to learn from
colleges whose total undergraduate population is nearly equal to the amount of
transfer students that start at UNCW in the summer and fall semesters. Throughout the conference I attended a wide
range of sessions including ones on streamlining the transfer of credit
process, military students and our institution, and recruitment and retention
strategies. Each session gave me a different perspective and ultimately and
full view of what it takes to make a college run effectively. It was great to
see that each school regardless of being public, private, university or
community college aimed to make the overall student experience the best

As a transfer student myself who graduated from UNCW, I know
that being a Seahawk is something to be proud of and we all bleed teal, but I
hoped that other people attending the conference would see that as well. During
the last session I attended, presented by our very own Transfer Coordinator,
Tom, on UNCW’s Teal Track program it was apparent that UNCW was “making waves.”
Of course everyone loved our coastal location and history of film production
giving Wilmington the nickname “Hollywood East,” but they were also impressed
with how our transfer program has grown. You could hear gasps in the room when
Tom stated we had between 1500 and 1600 transfer students start last summer and
fall and that we had specific tours given by transfer students (Teal Guides)
for transfer students.

Overall, my experience solidified my prior knowledge that
UNCW’s processes and procedures are in place to best assist the student. However,
we can always learn new and innovative ways of working more efficiently towards
our goal that will ultimately make us grow as an Admissions department and
Karla Blanton
Transfer Admissions and Financial Aid Coordinator