We would like to take this opportunity to introduce the UNCW First Year Admissions staff. This Seahawk staff will be connecting with you throughout the year.
Director of Admissions: Jan Rockwell
Jan serves as the admissions counselor for all students in the New England states. She received her B.A. in French and Secondary Education from Gettysburg College followed by a M.Ed. in Guidance and Psychological Services from Springfield College. Jan is a great leader and is our office’s biggest cheerleader. The one thing Jan struggles with is Ping Pong. She proudly displays her SECOND place trophy in the office that she once lost in a bet of Ping Pong talents.
Associate Director of Admissions: Marcio Moreno
Marcio serves as the admissions counselor for all students in the Eastern portion of North Carolina. Marcio is originally from Panama where he received a M.A. in English as a Second Language from Universidad Autonoma de Chiriquí. His second M.A. is in Spanish from our very own UNC Wilmington. In his so called “spare” time, Marcio serves as a UNCW instructor for introductory Spanish courses where he joins the ranks of other friendly and helpful professors.
Assistant Director of Admissions: Camille Morgan
Camille serves as the admissions counselor for our students in the Northeastern part of the United States; more specifically, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. Camille is one of Wilmington’s finest; born, raised and educated in our town. She enjoyed the UNCW energy and sense of community so much, that after finishing her B.S. in Business Administration she decided to work for her Alma Mater.
Assistant Director of Admissions: Mr. Keryn Vickers
Keryn serves as the admissions counselor for students in the Northern and South Central portions of North Carolina (Fayetteville, Durham, etc.). Keryn received his M.A. in Recreation and Sports Management from Indiana State University. Although Keryn is not originally from Wilmington, he has enjoyed being a part of the unique blend of dedicated faculty, staff, and administrators at UNCW.
First-Year Admissions Coordinator: Hannah Brown
Hannah serves as the admissions counselor for students in the Western portion of North Carolina. Hannah moved to Wilmington from Boone, the same area she now travels and recruits from. She received her B.A. in English from UNCW and although we have a few less hills and are a little lacking in the mountain department, Hannah is proud to call UNCW her home and Alma Mater.
First-Year Admissions Coordinator/International Recruitment: Linda Byrnes
Linda serves as the admissions counselor for students from the Southeastern states of the United States and for students outside of the United States. Linda received her B.S. in Sociology from Georgia Southern University, and is currently working on her Master's in Liberal Studies at UNCW. Linda’s interest and involvement with the Office of International Programs has helped to contribute to the fulfillment of a UNCW’s Strategic Goal: to create an educational environment that prepares our students to be global citizens.
First-Year Admissions Coordinator: Laura Moore
Laura serves as the admissions counselor for the Piedmont area of North Carolina (Winston-Salem, Greensboro, etc.) She received her B.A. in Communication Studies and a minor in Leadership Studies from UNCW in 2005. Laura is one of three advisers for the UNCW Student Ambassadors organization. The Ambassadors help with campus tours, visitation days, and a variety of other events on campus. The Ambassadors are Laura’s “children”… all 60 of them.
First-Year Admissions Coordinator: Larry Pakowski
Larry serves as the admissions counselor for the Mid-Atlantic region for the United States- specifically, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, Washington, DC, and West Virginia. He finished his B.A. in Communication Studies in three years from UNCW. Larry loves to proudly recall his days as the UNCW mascot, “Sammy C. Hawk”, and continues to be a part of UNCW Athletics by announcing for a variety of our NCAA Division 1 sports.
First-Year Admissions Coordinator: Lauren Scott
Lauren serves as the admissions counselor for the greater Wilmington area. She finished her B.A. in Psychology, and is currently working on a Master of Public Administration, both from UNCW. Lauren serves as our link to the UNCW Alumni Association, being an active member on the UNCW Alumni Board of Directors. Although Lauren has no formal training, her Ping Pong skills are to be reckoned with… ask Jan.
First-Year Admissions Coordinator: Alex Wadsworth
Alex serves as the admissions counselor for the Capital area of North Carolina; Wake and Orange counties. He is the newest UNCW Alumni in the office, proudly holding the “rookie of the year” title all year long. He finished his B.A. in History with UNCW in 2008. Alex was very involved with the UNCW community as a student, his role as an on campus Resident Assistant topping his list. Alex is excited to see current students, his past residents included, pushing the student involvement to record numbers with over 200 student led organizations. One of Alex’s goal before next academic year is to begin a club Ping Pong team for UNCW; it is one of his newest passions… since the win.
If you find yourself with questions or comments, we encourage you to join in on the conversation. Welcome to our Seahawk family, and welcome to our blog.